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About Caywood Yamnik

Kentucky farm girl turned Alabama football fanatic turned world traveler. Married to the love of my life. What else about me? Hmm, let's see. I own over 300 movies - about every genre you could imagine, minus anime. I'm allergic to chocolate, caffeine, and mint. People tell me I'm a picky eater (and they're right) but I can never pass up a good steak. I literally could eat filet mignon every night and be beyond content with my life. I was born in Pennsylvania, raised until age 9 in Kentucky, then became an Alabamian. I graduated from the University of Alabama (roll tide) in 2011 with a major in Communication Studies and Business Marketing. From there I was recruited to Memphis, Tennessee: a city of music, BBQ, and the city where I met my husband. Feliks and I now live in Birmingham, another foodie city, and I'm the Director of Sales at a social media company focused on growing original social brands heavily through video. I love what I do, but am certainly antsy to start round two of our travels. 

Feliks and I first met three days after I moved to Memphis. Yes, we're one of those couples who started dating while working together. Our job  at the Commercial Appeal began with an extended training class. 8am to 5pm, five days a week, locked in a room for five weeks straight. Sounds a bit terrifying, but I learned more than I could ever imagine in that room, and am thankful for every minute. Feliks and I quickly realized how well we got along--similar interests, he never stopped making me laugh, we both had permanent smiles glued on our faces. Four and a half weeks later, we went on our first date. There was just something about this kid! And it felt so natural. Honestly, as much as a Disney-obsessed freak that I am, I never really believed in the so-called "love at first sight." But the second I saw Feliks, I knew there was something special that couldn't be ignored. Our first three years together consisted of fairs, festivals, road trips, living together and more... And in March 2014 he proposed!

One of the first things we found out about each other was our love to travel. I can't recall exactly how the conversation began, but in January 2013 we decided to start saving and planning for a big trip. We didn't know where we'd go, what our budget would be, or how we'd get there, but we knew we both wanted to do it. And we wanted to do it together. This site is to commemorate our journey for ourselves, friends, family, and even strangers. Along the way we'll share tricks of the trade, pros and cons of each place we go from both a female and male perspective, and how Feliks masterly turned a regular 2008 Dodge Caravan into an RV! Enjoy and feel free to reach out to us with any questions! We love sharing our journey with fellow travel enthusiasts!

Ciao, adios, au revoir, auf wiedersehen,



Oh, and ROLL TIDE! 






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Thanks for reaching out. I will get back to you as soon as I can!

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